
   Marvel App - React/Redux + Node/MongoDB + Marvel API.
   Simple React Redux Starter - Simple React Redux Starter/Boilerplate. With ES6, Webpack, Router, Dev Tools, Axios.
   How to Build a Mentorship Program From the Ground Up - Blog post on how I built up a mentorship program.
   Why End-to-End Testing is Important for Your Team - Blog post on how I implemented end to end testing in 4 easy steps.
   Marvel API + Vuepack (Vue + Vuex) - Blog post on getting started with Vue, Vuex, and API calls.
   Hubba - Company work - Hubba is a computer software company in the retail technology space.
   Architech - Company work - Architech is a software consulting firm with a focus on mid to large sized enterprise projects.
   ScribbleLive - Company work - ScribbleLive is a content cloud provider used by brands, sports and media companies.
   JAB FADC - Freelance work - JAB FADC is a clothing brand that looks towards the fighting game community for inspiration while incorporating their own creativity and style.